Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mavs Hornets analysis 4/2008

Friday night I watched the Mavericks defeat the New Orleans Hornet in game 3. In game 1, the game was fairly close throughout, but as it turned out the Hornets had been keeping it real close and storing up energy. Then, at the end, they ran out ahead and won the game. In game 2, their strategy was even more devilish, as they came out and built up a huge lead, and then refused to let the Mavericks get close. “We're going to score a bunch of points early, and then we'll just keep doing that, and it will never be close.” And that's what happened.

In game 3, though, the Mavericks caught on, and did the same thing back to the Hornets, which is smart and probably Avery Johnson had a bunch to do with that. “Oh no,” the Hornets said, “Let's score a bunch of points in the 2nd period and get in front fast or we'll be in big trouble.” But the Mavericks had thought of that too! They quickly scored a bunch of points right back at them, and “never looked back,” as professional broadcasters like to say.

Now if the Mavericks can remember to do that in game 4, everything will be good. Check back for more analysis.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Ali Foreman

I remember once as a kid I told my father that I read in the papers that there was a legislative movement in Congress to try and restore boxing's legitimacy, and he laughed and said it never had it. His point, I think, was a fair one. He has been a boxing fan all his life and has seen many of boxing's high and low moments. Boxing has always been subject to the fix, but so has any sport. Boxing just offers the possibility of an instant win via knockout, which makes it particularly susceptible to the opportunistic individuals with a plan. Also, it is the sport that draws the most gambling dollars.

I consider it possible that Foreman was drugged before the famous Rumble in the Jungle fight with Ali, as he claims in his book “God in my Corner.” It's a conspiracy theory, and only the Shadow knows if its true, but I think it's possible. It doesn't diminish my opinion of Ali. I think he's the greatest, by the standard that he put on the most entertaining athletic performances of, perhaps, the century, not that he won every contest in which he ever participated. Only the legend of Jim Thorpe and the popularity of Michael Jordan rival him. But it's difficult to say whether Foreman was drugged before the bout. I have to admit, I've never watched the entire thing, so we can toss all claims of my knowledge and objectivity right out the window. I'm just posting some random opinionated B.S. here. I have watched the first few rounds on Classic Sports Network, and I have seen the footage in the documentary When we were Kings. Foreman looks like he's stumbling into the ropes and about to pass out drunk while he's hitting Ali. Evidence for the conspiracy includes the fact that the fight involves Don King. People who write and say bad things about Don King come to trouble very quickly (please see photo) so I'm going to leave that one right there, even though I doubt he or anyone else will take much interest in some dork's blog posting. Second, Ali was worth huge money as champion, so there's motive. Third, I've seen fighters tired, but not falling into the ropes like drunken fools. Fourth, Foreman claims its true. Fifth, maybe the reason Ali throws 12 right hand leads at Foreman at the start is because he thinks Foreman is supposed to be drugged and the fight is a setup for a first round knockout.

Evidence against: It was hot as hell at fight time, even at 4 in the morning in Zaire. Foreman had been pummeling Ali for 8 rounds in the ropes and Ali was still in front of him. Ali was as good an athlete as there was on the planet, and he was in top condition. Ali and his corner claims that it was part of the grand strategy for the fight. Foreman was slow and clumsy in the ring.

King: Drink the water George. It's tasty and good. You're hot and tired from this tropical climate, and I've had this special water flown in from the Swiss alps.

George: “This tastes like cough syrup.”

King: No, no, its got special vitamins and nutrients to restore your strength.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Jens Lekman

I witnessed the Jens Lekman concert back at the beginning of March. It was strange. It was good and strange. He challenged me to ritual combat in the parking lot. He told stories, which is something I like. I like narrative. He told a story about going to see his girlfriend in Berlin and sitting with the German father through a very uncomfortable interview. Sounded like a German father sketch I had considered once, or tossed out there at one time. He was funny, affable, chatted with the audience on many strange matters. Look for him in your city, state, or nation.

Kidd Trade and new theory

The Kidd Trade. I had serious doubts about this when I heard about it. Then I heard it involved Devin Harris and I was double doubtful, but I said nothing because I've been wrong about everything involving the Mavericks. Then it happens and we don't win anything against anybody good, ever.

I think it's time for the toughest member of the team, Avery Johnson, to suit up and take some flagrants. It's my new theory. Victory is caused by flagrants, and AJ is the one who is intense enough to take them. Stackhouse is also, but we need him in the offense. Dirk took one a few weeks ago, but we need his offense.

So there you have it. AJ takes flagrants=victory.

I'm also interested in his new book, Aspire Higher. This explains a bunch of the problems I've been having in my life. I thought when they said Aspire Higher it meant sit on the couch and eat potato chips and drink Coke. But that's not it at all. As it turns out it has something to do with dedication, or something. Sounds interesting.